Frequently Asked Questions

Simplifying Your Business with SORA Partners

We understand you have questions! This FAQ page is designed to answer some of the most common inquiries about our services. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, don’t hesitate to contact us.


What services does SORA Partners offer?2024-07-18T22:47:29+00:00

Sora Partners helps businesses unlock the power of technology to streamline operations, boost efficiency, and grow sales. We specialize in:

  • POS System Implementation and Support: We help you choose, install, and manage industry-leading POS systems.
  • Managed IT Services: Ensure your technology runs smoothly with our comprehensive IT management solutions.
  • Restaurant & Hospitality Solutions: From menu consulting to inventory management, we offer a suite of services to optimize your restaurant or hospitality business.
  • Websites & Online Ordering: We build websites specifically designed to attract customers, showcase your unique offerings, and drive online ordering.
How can SORA Partners benefit my business?2024-07-18T22:52:18+00:00

SORA Partners can be your one-stop shop for all your technology needs, helping you:

  • Boost Efficiency and Save Time: We streamline your operations with user-friendly POS systems, data-driven insights, and expert IT support, freeing your team to focus on what matters most – your customers.
  • Increase Sales and Revenue: Our solutions empower you to make smarter business decisions, optimize inventory management, and improve customer satisfaction – all leading to increased sales and revenue.
  • Gain a Competitive Edge: Stay ahead of the curve with our cutting-edge technology solutions and industry expertise. We’ll help you leverage technology to differentiate yourself from the competition.
  • Reduce Costs and Mitigate Risks: Our managed IT services ensure your technology runs smoothly and securely, minimizing downtime and potential security breaches.
  • Focus on Growth: By handling your technology needs, Sora Partners allows you to focus on growing your business and achieving your strategic goals.
Do you offer monthly packages?2024-07-18T23:00:33+00:00

Yes we do! Our SERVD and SERVD I.T. platforms allow you to choose the level of service that best meets your needs. Choose from a range of technology management options, including POS support, data analytics, and comprehensive IT services. We’ll handle the ongoing management, so you can focus on running your business with peace of mind and a predictable monthly cost.

Do you offer remote or on-site services?2024-07-18T23:02:17+00:00

Both! We understand that every business has unique needs. That’s why we offer both remote and on-site services for your convenience:

  • Remote Support: Our skilled technicians can assist you virtually through secure screen sharing and video conferencing. This is a fast and efficient way to troubleshoot issues, answer questions, and provide ongoing support.
  • On-Site Visits: For more complex tasks or hands-on training, we can arrange on-site visits to your location. Our experienced team will be there in person to provide comprehensive support and ensure a smooth implementation process. (Travel fees may apply for on-site visits.)

By offering both options, we can ensure you receive the level of support that best suits your specific requirements.

Do you offer training?2024-07-18T23:03:32+00:00

Yes, we offer comprehensive training programs designed to empower your team and maximize the value of your software! We cater to all experience levels:

  • Introductory Courses: Get your team started with the fundamentals of your chosen POS system or software. These courses provide a solid foundation in core functionalities.
  • In-Depth Training: Deepen your team’s knowledge with advanced training sessions that explore specific features and functionalities.
  • Customized Training: Need something specific? We can tailor training programs to address your unique needs and workflows.

Our training sessions are led by experienced professionals who are passionate about knowledge transfer. We utilize a variety of methods, including instructor-led training, hands-on exercises, and ongoing support resources, to ensure your team retains the information effectively.


What are your qualifications and experience?2024-07-18T22:49:25+00:00

Sora Partners brings over 30 years of IT experience to the table, combined with a deep understanding of the hospitality industry. Our team is:

  • POS Implementation Experts: We’re certified partners with leading POS providers, ensuring a smooth and efficient implementation process.
  • Industry Specialists: Our team has extensive knowledge of the unique challenges and opportunities faced by businesses in restaurants, retail, hospitality, and other sectors.
  • Data-Driven Problem Solvers: We leverage data analytics to identify areas for improvement and develop customized solutions that meet your specific needs.
  • Committed to Ongoing Training: Our team stays up-to-date on the latest industry trends and technologies to ensure we deliver the best possible service to our clients.
What industries do you specialize in?2024-07-18T22:51:19+00:00

SORA Partners is a trusted technology partner for businesses in a variety of industries. We have deep expertise in helping businesses in:

  • Restaurants: Optimize operations with efficient POS systems, boost guest satisfaction with mobile ordering and table management solutions, and gain valuable insights from data analytics to make informed decisions.
  • Retail: Simplify checkout with user-friendly POS systems, streamline inventory management to avoid stockouts, and deliver a seamless omnichannel experience for your customers.
  • Hospitality: Enhance guest experience with intuitive technology solutions, manage reservations efficiently, and maximize revenue with data-driven pricing strategies.
  • Stadiums & Event Services: Ensure smooth operations with robust POS systems for high-volume transactions, manage ticketing and access control effectively, and improve fan engagement with digital tools.
  • Health & Fitness: Streamline member management with user-friendly software, offer flexible membership options electronically, and track progress and results with data-driven insights for your members.
How secure is your network?2024-07-18T22:54:47+00:00

We understand that data security is a top concern for businesses. At SORA Partners, we take a multi-layered approach to safeguarding your information:

  • Encryption: We utilize industry-standard encryption methods to protect your data both in transit and at rest.
  • Regular Security Updates: We stay up-to-date on the latest security threats and implement ongoing system updates to mitigate vulnerabilities.
  • Access Controls: We enforce strict access controls to ensure only authorized personnel can access your data.
  • Compliance: We adhere to relevant data security regulations and industry best practices.
  • Security Monitoring: We continuously monitor our systems for suspicious activity and take immediate action to address any potential threats.

While we can’t disclose all the specifics of our security measures (to maintain their effectiveness), we are committed to providing a secure environment for your business data.

What are your support hours?2024-07-18T23:04:56+00:00

We’re here to help whenever you need us! Our dedicated support team is available during the following hours:

  • Phone Support: Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST.
  • Email Support: 24/7. Feel free to send us a message any time through our Contact Page, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

POS Systems

Are you an authorized Toast Partner?2024-07-18T22:53:10+00:00

Yes, we are proud to be a certified Toast Partner! This means our team has undergone rigorous training and holds official Toast certifications. Here’s what that means for you:

  • Expert Support: Our technicians possess in-depth knowledge of the Toast platform and can provide expert assistance with implementation, configuration, and ongoing support.
  • Staying Up-to-Date: We have access to the latest Toast resources and training, ensuring you benefit from the newest features and best practices.
  • Seamless Integration: As a certified partner, we can seamlessly integrate your Toast system with other technologies to create a unified and powerful business solution.

By partnering with Toast, we ensure you receive the highest level of expertise and support for your Toast POS system.

Is the Cloud right for my business?2024-07-18T22:56:34+00:00

Cloud technology can be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. Here’s why it might be a perfect fit for you:

  • Accessibility & Scalability: Access your data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection, and easily scale your resources up or down to meet your evolving needs.
  • Automatic Updates & Security: Cloud-based solutions receive automatic updates and benefit from the provider’s robust security infrastructure, ensuring you always have the latest features and top-notch protection.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Cloud technology allows your team to collaborate and access information in real-time, no matter their location.
  • Reduced IT Costs: Eliminate the need for expensive on-premise hardware and software with cloud solutions, potentially leading to significant cost savings.

Still unsure? We can help you assess your specific needs and determine if cloud technology is the right choice for your business. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation!

Can you install my POS system?2024-07-18T22:58:18+00:00

Absolutely! We take the hassle out of POS system installation, offering both on-site and remote options to suit your needs. Our certified technicians will handle everything for you, including:

  • Network Configuration: We’ll ensure your network is properly configured to seamlessly support your new POS system.
  • Hardware Installation: Our team will take care of all hardware setup, including physical installation and connection.
  • Software Installation & Configuration: We’ll expertly install your POS software and configure it to meet your specific business needs.
  • Menu and Data Setup: Whether you have a simple or complex menu, we’ll assist you with data entry and menu setup to get you up and running quickly.
  • Training & Support: We’ll provide comprehensive training for your team to ensure they feel confident using the new system. Additionally, you can choose to have ongoing access to our support team for any questions that may arise with our SERVD or SERVD I.T. programs.

Whether it’s Toast, Lavu, Revel, Slice or others, with SORA Partners handling your POS system installation, you can be confident in a smooth and efficient transition, allowing you to focus on what matters most – running your business.

Real-life results

We generate results for our customers

CarolAnn was amazing and extremely helpful and supportive throughout our whole process of going live and figuring out all the details and minor things that we needed help on. Personality and communication is top tier! We had so many questions and needed a lot of changes during our live and CarolAnn was patient and thorough with us the whole time.
Shane, Takeout Box
Will was incredible. He was here, attentive to our needs, and knowledgeable to the extent of no delays in responses. It was a pleasure working with him, he exceeded all of our expectations.
Fritz, Lit Rooster
James is awesome! Can we keep him? (Narrator: she could not) Very informative and patient. Fantastic attitude! He is positive and patient. He provided thorough explanations and step by step problem solving and building options. Fantastic job!
Kathryn, Haile Village Inn
Nick, Tom, Mario and Eric were great! Extremely helpful, very knowledgeable and supportive. We knew going in our property, size and set up were unique and the team here supporting us were wonderful. Thank you so much for the great help!
Bethany, Estancia Hotel
Will was amazing from start to finish. From his patience explaining and teaching us to how great his knowledge is in the Restaurant industry, and he can relate to challenges and best practices! Truly great!
Jim, Rose Dairy
Nick was extremely helpful during our setup with Toast. We had used the same system for quite a while and he made what could have been a very stressful transition, smooth. Thankful for his patience, professionalism, and attention to detail. Excited to have Toast up and running!
Nick, Campland Cantina
Mateo did an outstanding job listening to our issues, identifying what issues needed to be addressed and executing a plan of action to resolve many functional issues that should have happened at the time of our initial installation. He was extremely personable and professional. He created a path forward for our business after many failed attempts to resolve issues ourselves that were actually completely out of our purview and ability. We are so grateful for his professional expertise and help.
Amy, Pop’s Kitchen

Everything seems to be fixed now. I just want to thank you, Xavier, and Phillip. They did an incredible job. They fixed issues Toast and Ubereats could not.

Zankou Chicken trusts us with their POS systemVartkes, Zankou Chicken
He was awesome and answered all of our questions and didn’t leave till we were okay! Huge thank you! He was the MVP! Thanks again Ron!
Katie, Tequila Sports Bar

Added Value

Other services we offer

IT professionals monitoring network performance in a high-tech operations center


SERVD I.T. is a comprehensive suite of managed IT solutions designed to simplify your IT management.

Restaurant staff using a POS system with live support, seamless restaurant operations, enhanced customer dining experience.


SERVD provides live POS system support, including technical support, system checkups, and networking support.

Mobile-first website design has many helpful effects.

SORA Sites

SORA Sites are custom, responsive, and user-friendly websites designed to help you achieve your business goals.

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